4 Risks To Look Out For When Using Portable Media Devices
The COVID-19 pandemic has truly transformed many aspects of our lives. In regard to the working world, more and more people are preferring or adopting remote working in order to prioritise their work-life balance. Companies are also looking to implement a fully remote or hybrid workplace to suit current and future needs and expectations, alongside better managing their resources. With the rise of remote working, portable media devices are more in-demand and required than ever.
What is a Portable Media Device?
Portable media devices, otherwise known as removable media devices, are electronic devices that you connect to a laptop, information system, or network to transport or store data and files. Thumb drives, memory cards and external hard drives are all portable media devices. As remote workers may need to save, send, and receive sensitive data regularly, having a portable media device is crucial. Fortunately, as the name suggests, portable media devices are small and easy to carry around, making them convenient for remote or hybrid workers.
However, this also means that portable media devices can be susceptible to cybersecurity threats and other risks. In this article, we look at some of the risks involved with using portable media devices and what are some of the ways to prevent them.
1. Portable media devices can carry malware
Malware is one of the most common forms of cyber threats today. Malware is essentially software that is purposefully designed to disrupt or allow the cybercriminal to gain unauthorised access to a computer system. If the user is unaware that their portable media devices have been infected with malware, this can result in their laptops, computers, and even the entire network being compromised.
An effective way to intercept any infection from spreading to your computer systems is by using a port blocker. A port blocker comes in handy by visually deterring cybercriminals from inserting their infected portable media devices into your computer systems. For any unused or open ports, we advise closing them with a port blocker at all times.
2. Portable media devices are easily misplaced or stolen
Considering that portable media devices are small in size and can be tossed into a bag or pocket, they are prone to be misplaced, lost, or even stolen. To make matters worse, many users may not even be aware that their devices have gone missing until it is too late. A misplaced or stolen portable media device can lead to hugely detrimental consequences, especially for the latter, as cybercriminals can make use of this opportunity to access critical data or corrupt computer systems.
This is why users need to be mindful of their portable media devices and store them securely. The simple step of placing and carrying your devices safely can prevent sensitive data from falling into the hands of cybercriminals.
3. Unknown portable media devices can be infected
It is recommended that users avoid using unknown or suspicious portable media devices, which they are unable to trace the user of that device. This is for a good reason, as malicious actors have been found to place infected devices around the office or in public areas to get users to connect these devices to their computer systems.
If you spot an unknown portable media device, make sure to check its sources or know where the device comes from before immediately inserting it into a USB port.
4. Portable media devices can fail
Nothing lasts forever, and this goes for portable media devices as well. If a careless user were to accidentally drop their devices in water or damage them, the data and files stored might not be retrievable. As we are unable to predict if and when a portable media device may fail, users and companies should make it a habit to duplicate their data and store them in various portable media devices to avoid data loss.
Portable media devices are indispensable for a company’s ability to operate efficiently and productively. This makes it even more vital for users to use them vigilantly and responsibly. If possible, companies should also monitor the usage of portable media devices by developing guidelines and cybersecurity measures.
For those looking to purchase Smartkeeper or Lindy USB port blockers in Singapore, you have come to the right place. At DBR Systems, we carry some of the most well-known and reliable USB port blockers with key in Singapore. All our port blockers are 100% original and from established manufacturers, ensuring that businesses and users can boost their cybersecurity presence effectively. You can reach out to us at dbrsales@dbr-sys.com for more information about our products.